Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. AOC (any other color)


Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. AOC (any other color)


Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. AOC (any other color)


Class – 1. Classic
2. Floral
3. Fruit
4. Spice
5. Strong and Unique


Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. Seedlings – ALL


Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. AOC (any other color)


Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. AOC (any other color)


Class – 1. White
2. Yellow
3. Salmon-Orange
4. Pink
5. Red
6. Bi-color
7. Rainbow
8. AOC (any other color)


Class – 1. Classic
2. Floral
3. Fruit
4. Spice
5. Strong and Unique


Flower Show Tips:

  • You CAN enter blooms that are unidentified. Just put “Unknown” or “No ID” in the name field on the form.
  • Seedlings: There are separate categories for seedling entries. A seedling is a plant grown from a seed by the exhibitor. Plants grown from sports or acquired as anything other than a seed (such as a cutting or a sport off of one of your plants) should be entered in Sections I through V. Since growing seedlings involve hard work and persistence, the seedling developers get separate Sections to recognize their hard work. Seedlings do not have to be named.
  • Fragrance Section tips: Since each flower may have its own special fragrance, and you may have a different sense of what a smell should be, use your best judgment as to which class you want to enter the bloom in. Remember that our fragrance judges will judge by smell and not by the name or look of the bloom!
  • While there is no limit on the number of blooms that you can enter, you may only enter one bloom of each variety in a single class. However, flowers entered in normal classes can have a duplicate (second) flower entered in the Scent Division. You are not allowed to dump one tree’s worth of blooms in one Section and Class in hopes of getting a prize.


Important information for Display Class Registration: If you would like to enter either an arrangement or a photograph or a lei in our Display Classes, you must pre-register by August 30th completing the Registration Form. If you are registering for a Floral Arrangement, please indicate whether it will be a Large or a Small Floral Arrangement. If you are registering for a Lei, please indicate whether it will be a Large or a Small Lei. By registering before August 30, this allows us to determine table set up requirements. If you do not pre-register your entry in the Display Class, and you bring your entry on Saturday, acceptance is based on room/space availability for the Display Class tables.

PLUMERIA  ARRANGEMENTS (DISPLAY CLASS I):  The arrangements must be multi-bloom, in a vase or container, made of natural, non-endangered materials. There is a limit of two arrangements per person, one large, one small.

There are TWO classifications of arrangements: Large (18x18x30) and Small (18x18x12) *(LxWxH) (Please note that dimensions may change. )

If you pre-register for this section you will be reserving a space.  If you DO NOT preregister, we cannot guarantee a space for your entry because of table and room limitations. ** Arrangements must be picked up at 2PM on Sunday, or they will be disposed of.

PLUMERIA PHOTOGRAPH (DISPLAY CLASS II):  You may enter up to TWO 5×7 glossy finish photo (per person). We will mat the photos with a standard mat for display. Photos must be previously unpublished, taken within the last year, only contain flowers and plants, no people or animals.

This year, we are asking that the top 3 winners of this display class submit a digital copyrighted version of their winning photo entries after the show.Judging will be on the physical print, since print quality is one of the criteria. 

If Photoshop is used to enhance the photograph, entrants must do their own Photoshop work and not hire someone else to do so.  No composite images are allowed.

Entry grants SCPS the right to replicate the photo in a newsletter or other SCPS publications without remuneration; exhibitor’s copyright will be noted in any use.

Exhibitors will not be allowed to keep the mats after the competition, except the top 3 winners. 

Photos must be picked up by 2PM on Sunday. 

Note: Please pre-register by August 30th by completing the Registration Form. You must submit your photograph in person on September 6 (set up day) or before 11AM on September 7.

PEOPLE’S CHOICE (DISPLAY CLASS III): You may enter one bloom per person (no inflos please).  Visitors to the flower show will vote for their favorite bloom by secret ballot on Saturday from 1200 PM until 3 PM.  The votes will then be counted and the winner announced afterwards. A beautiful rosette ribbon will be awarded for the top bloom!

PLUMERIA LEI (DISPLAY CLASS V): Limit of 2 Lei entries per person

This year you have the opportunity to submit in TWO Plumeria Lei Display Classes – a smaller “lei poo (head lei) and the longer “lei ai (traditional neck lei).

There will be a total of 8 judging opportunities! There will be four methods of lei making/classifications (Haku, Humupapa, Kui, and Wili) for both LEI PO’O (between 19 to 22 inches long) and LEI A’I (between 30 to 36 inches long). Measurements do not include 2-inch loop and 2-inch tail. 

Plumeria Lei Measurements:

All Lei must have a 2-inch loop (for hanging) at the top; with a 2-inch tail at the bottom end (this identifies the top and bottom of the lei). Lei need to be left untied. Measurement will be taken from the knot of the 2-inch loop to the knot at the end of the lei. 

Lei Po’o (head lei):

The length of the Lei must be a minimum of 19 inches and maximum of 22 inches long. Does not include 2-inch loop and 2-inch tail

Lei A’i (neck lei):

The length of the Lei must be a minimum of 30 inches and maximum of 36 inches long. Does not include 2-inch loop and 2-inch tail.

Plumeria Lei Requirements:

  • All Plumeria Lei must contain Plumeria blooms as its common element.   
  • All Lei shall be made with natural plant materials and limited to flowers, leaves, stems, roots, fruits, pods and seeds.  
  • Lei using non-natural material, artificial treatment, or coloring of natural materials are not allowed.  
  • String, thread, yarn or dental floss may be used in the construction of the Lei, but NO WIRE OR TAPE.    
  • No endangered materials shall be used.

Four METHODS of Lei Making:

  1. HAKU (mounted):  Braiding flowers, leaves, and/or fruit in a three-strand plait of fern, lau kī (ti leaf), hau fiber, etc
  2. HUMUPAPA (basting): Plant materials are sewn to a foundation of dried banana. To sew to a backing fiber, lauhala, lau ki or other suitable materials
  3. KUI (piercing):  Flowers strung together through the center or sides. To string pierced objects, as flowers in a lei.
  4. WILI (twisted):  Plant materials are placed on a backing of lau ki, lauhala, twisted dried banana fiber or other suitable material and wound with fiber or thread around the plant material and backing to bind them together.

Miscellaneous Lei Information: 

If you are entering a Lei, complete the Registration Form no later than August 30th so that the display area can be prepared. Each Lei will be accompanied by an entry form and submitted by the exhibitor from 0800-1100 AM on Saturday, September 7.  Be sure to list the plant/floral/natural material used in the Lei on each entry form, as well as the style (as listed above).  

Leis must be picked up on Sunday at 2 PM. If not picked up, they will become property of the Flower Show and donated. There is a limit of 2 Lei entries per person

See the SCPS website descriptions and samples. Each classification will have ribbons for the top 3 winners with a Rosette ribbon awarded for the overall Best in Display Class.

Check the latest SCPS Newsletter, SCPS website or
Facebook page for any last-minute changes in guidelines.

Email Flower Show Coordinators Kim and Maggie at and with any questions