Your plumeria has three basic needs:

  • Water
  • Sunlight
  • Food

If you provide these, they will reward you with many lovely blooms.


Water is very important to your plumeria. Your plant must have enough water in the summer months. Without adequate water your Plumeria will go into a suspended state or dormancy. The plant will abort flower stalks and the leaves will drop. Allow Plumerias to go dry in between watering, then a deep soaking is in order. Watering depends on the daytime temperature and humidity, a good balance is essential. Plumerias do not like standing water, do not use a catch bowl under a potted Plumeria.

When the plant drops its leaves in the cool fall and winter months, DO NOT WATER. Give it only enough water is necessary to keep the soil slightly moist. Mist the stem if it begins to look wrinkled. If the temperature in your environment drops to 32º F, the plant may be bare rooted and stored in a freeze-protected area. The plant can be replanted in the spring and will do well.


6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight is needed for good blooming of your plumeria. Some varieties require some shade from the hot inland sun in the summer months.


This is a highly loaded topic. A beginner should start with a moderate, balanced fertilizer, such as a 12-12-12. Follow the directions on the package or bottle, and don’t hesitate to use less than the directions indicate.

In the past, it was thought that high phosphorus numbers found in “bloom buster” fertilizers were desirable, but recent research suggests they create short-term blooms at the expense of the long-term health of the plant.

Remember, the best fertilizer is the one that works for you.